Connecticut State Chess Association
a 501(c)(7) nonprofit corporation

Join and Donate to the CSCA

The CSCA is a 501(c)7 nonprofit corporation and the official US Chess State Affiliate for the state of Connecticut. Our purpose is to facilitate, encourage and promote chess activity statewide for the benefit of our members and the Connecticut chess community. Our functions include organizing annual Connecticut state championship events and other tournaments, providing member services, creating and supporting programs and clubs, building and maintaining Connecticut chess infrastructure and selecting Connecticut representatives to US Chess and the New England Chess Association (NECA) governance and functions.

Resources for the CSCA's broad range of services and activities are achieved through membership dues, donations and revenue collected from CSCA events. By purchasing CSCA membership, members enjoy exclusive benefits while supporting the CSCA and its mission.

The CSCA presently offers the following membership purchase options:

  • annual membership ($20) - annual members receive full access to CSCA communications and informational disseminations, the CSCA's quarterly newsletter, The Chess Community Post, and occasional event benefits at select CSCA tournaments and activities.

  • premium membership ($50) - premium membership includes all of the benefits of annual membership plus discounted entry rates at all CSCA tournaments, events and activities. The additional $30 is easily recovered and surpassed within as few as two and at most three event entries.

  • premium family membership ($90) - premium family membership allows families to take advantage of premium membership benefits without paying additional membership fees for each family member, individually. Family membership covers all family members, who are part of the same household.

Additionally, the CSCA provides organizations and groups with Member Organization status, which allows groups to take advantage of premium membership pricing and special group benefits without paying for individual membership. Group leaders interested in Member Organization status can follow this link to contact the CSCA or email us at

Lastly, the CSCA is very appreciative of member donations toward our functions and activities for member services and the Connecticut chess community. We are an all-volunteer run organization, and every dollar donated is fully applied to functions and activities to continuously grow and maintain our chess community. We thank you in advance for your support and donation!

Purchase or renew CSCA Membership

You can also donate to CSCA: