Hartford Area Scholastic Chess League   

Pictures 2015

Matches 2015/16

  • Oct 15: Simsbury at Glastonbury: 63 - 14
  • Dec 3: Simsbury at CCSU: 5 - 2
  • Dec 17: Northwestern Region #7 at Simsbury
  • Mar 31: Torrington at Simsbury: 8.5 - 5.5

Dec 17 2015: Northwestern Region #7 at Simsbury

Dec 3 2015: Simsbury at CCSU: Katie left, Samantha right

Dec 3 2015: Simsbury at CCSU

Dec 3 2015: Simsbury at CCSU

Oct 15 2015: Simsbury at Glastonbury

Oct 15 2015: Simsbury at Glastonbury

Oct 15 2015: Simsbury from left to right: Sam, Jonathan, Daniel, Justin, Dhruv, Bob, Josh, Jake, Sean, Gert, Seth, Sanjeev

Matches 2014/15

  • Nov 6: Simsbury at Northwestern Regional #7: 5.5 - 0.5
  • Nov 21: Simsbury at Hall: 4.5 - 1.5
  • Dec 2: Simsbury at Torrington High School: 9 - 1
  • Jan: Hall at Machester: 6 - 0
  • Feb 15: Simsbury at Glastonbury High School: 8.5 - 4.5
  • Mar 27: Manchester at Simsbury: 3 - 3, blitz match: 3 - 3, 2nd blitz match 1.5 - 4.5
  • Apr 9: Hall at Simsbury: 4 - 2

Apr 4 2015: Hall at Simsbury.

Mar 27 2015: Manchester at Simsbury

Mar 27 2015: Manchester at Simsbury: double over-time decision

Feb 15 2015: Simsbury team

Feb 15 2015: Tommy about to get a third queen - still not enough for the win!

Feb 15 2015: Simsbury at Glastonbury: the results

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