Hartford Area Scholastic Chess League   

Pictures 2014

Dec 2nd 2014: Simsbury at Torrington

Nov 21st 2014: Simsbury at Hall

Nov 6th 2014: Simsbury at Northwestern Regional #7 High School in Winsted
In front Bob (left, Simsbury) playing Courteney (right, NW R7).

Nov 6th 2014: Chess coach Northwestern Regional #7 High School Mr. Miles Coulter.

Matches 2013/14

  • May 8: Glastonbury at Simsbury: 6 - 1
  • April 4: Simsbury at Oxford: 3 - 3, blitz tie breaker: 2 - 2, Simsbury wins final tie breaker
  • March 21: Simsbury at Hall West Hartford: 2½ - 3½
  • Feb 28: Simsbury at Manchester: 2 - 4

May 8th 2014: Glastonbury team from left to right Danny, Ian, Chris, Connor (behind Chris), Anthony Jr, Swastik and Michael.

May 8th 2014: Glastonbury at Simsbury: a close finish at board #1: white has 26 seconds left, black 36 seconds plus 5 seconds per move

May 8th 2014: Simsbury seniors at left from left to right Paul, Dylan and Muffi

May 8th 2014: Glastonbury at Simsbury: results

April 4th 2014: Simsbury at Oxford: the Oxford team on the left: from left to right Joaquin, Dylan, Duncan, Nathan, Matt and Zachary

Apr 4 2014: Simsbury from left to right: Tommy, Dhruv, Muffi, Jasper, Dylan and Eric.

March 21 2014: boards #5 and #6 of Simsbury at Hall West Hartford: Tommy and Drhuv (left) versus Victor and Ralph (right).

March 21 2014: Mr Norman Burtness from Hall High School opening the match.

March 21 2014: Simsbury at Hall: final result.

Feb 28 2014: board #4 of Simsbury at Manchester: Evan (white) and Jasper (black) are ready to go.

Feb 28 2014: Simsbury at Manchester.

Feb 28 2014: Simsbury at Manchester: results.
